Game Modes

Game Modes:

Solo Mode

In Solo Mode, gear up with incredible NFT Sneakers to embark on an epic token-earning journey through movement. Prepare to earn the coveted Grinstep Fitness Tokens (GFT) by simply putting your energy into motion. Each unit of Energy equals 5 minutes of move & earn movement, and Energy replenishment starts as soon as you acquire your NFT Sneakers. To get started, pick your favorite Sneaker, hit the Start button, and let the excitement begin!

Keep an eye on the dynamic status bar at the top of the screen, showcasing your activity as either Walking or Running. But watch out for the "Moonwalking" mode! It pops up when the app detects a weak GPS signal or detects non-organic movements (like strapping your phone to a dog or riding an electronic scooter). No GFT can be earned while Moonwalking, and depending on the situation, you may lose a bit of Energy.

Don't forget to pay attention to the GPS Signal: White means no GPS, Red means poor GPS, and Green means a strong GPS connection. And always ensure you have Energy before you hit the road, as zero Energy means no token earnings.

Every minute of movement rewards you with GFT/GHT (Grinstep Fitness Token/Grinstep Health Token), influenced by four thrilling factors:

  1. Sneaker Type: Each Sneaker offers a different base GFT return. Check out the section Sneaker Attributes for a breakdown of each unique Sneaker type.

  2. Sneaker Efficiency Attribute: Higher efficiency brings in more GFT per minute. Users can earn GFT from Level 0 to Level 29. At Level 30, you have the freedom to choose between continuing to earn GFT or switching to GHT. Switch between these two exhilarating earning modes anytime you like!

  3. Sneaker Comfort Attribute: The higher the Comfort, the more GHT you earn per minute. Once you reach Level 30, you gain the power to select between GFT and GHT earning modes. For more juicy details on GHT release, refer to the Tokenomics section.

  4. Speed of Movement: Maximize your earnings by maintaining the optimal speed range for your Sneaker. If you fall below or exceed this range, your earnings can decrease by up to 90% based on the speed discrepancy.

Once your Energy is depleted, the token-earning adventure pauses. At this point, you can choose to keep tracking your movements or simply exit Solo Mode by briefly holding down the Stop button.

Mystery Box: While moving in Solo Mode, keep your eyes peeled for exciting Mystery Boxes randomly dropping along your path. These mystical loot boxes are filled with GFT and enchanting Gems ranging from Level 1 to 4. Every user has four exclusive Mystery Box slots. When you receive a Mystery Box, you'll experience an eagerly anticipated countdown before revealing the treasures inside. Opening the Mystery Box requires a small sacrifice of GFT, a Base Cost that unleashes the magic within. The countdown duration increases as the box's quality escalates.

Marathon Mode (Under Development):

In Marathon Mode, it's time to challenge yourself! To participate, you need to register under the Marathon Tab at least 24 hours before the event begins. Brace yourself for both thrilling Weekly and captivating Monthly Marathons.

  • Weekly Marathon: These adrenaline-pumping Marathons happen every week and last the entire week. Choose between the 2.5km, 5km, 7.5km or 10km Marathons, but remember, you can only take part in one Marathon at a time.

  • Monthly Marathon: Prepare for a month-long endurance test! These monthly Marathons push your limits for the entire month. Select the 5km, 10km, 15km or 20km Marathons, but choose wisely as you can only participate in one Marathon at a time.

Only registered participants receive notifications in their Quest Log (Under Development). Keep your progress in check with the Set a Goal function. Once you complete the designated running distance, the Quest Log will burst with joy, notifying you of your Marathon completion. Remember, you won't be able to repair your Sneakers until the Marathon concludes.

Registration Fee (Under Development): To ensure the ultimate commitment, a registration fee is imposed. But don't worry, upon completion of the Marathon, the fee is promptly refunded. For participants unable to complete the Marathon within the specified timeframe, their fees will be pooled together and included in the Leaderboard rewards.

Leaderboard (Coming Soon): Marathon participants will compete for glory on the prestigious Leaderboard. Points are calculated based on your running speed and Sneaker's Attributes. Prepare to dominate and claim your well-deserved rewards!

Rewards (Under Development):

The elite top 3 on the Leaderboard for the weekly/monthly Marathon will be showered with incredible GFT/GHT prizes and the highly coveted Gold NFT Badge (TBD).

The outstanding top 4 - 100 on the Leaderboard for the weekly/monthly Marathon will earn mesmerizing GHT prizes and the prestigious Silver NFT Badge (TBD).

The remarkable top 101 - 500 on the Leaderboard for the weekly/monthly Marathon will be rewarded with thrilling GFT prizes and the distinguished Bronze NFT Badge (TBD). But that's not all! Every Marathon participant will proudly receive an exclusive NFT Badge of Participation.

Background Mode (Under Development):

Unleash the power of Grinstep even when you're not actively using the app! With the Background Mode feature, your token earnings won't rest. As long as you have a Sneaker active in the app, Background Mode will count the steps directly from your mobile device's Health Data app, capped at 3,000 steps daily. These earnings are fixed and not influenced by Efficiency or other bonuses, and they won't contribute to the daily GFT Cap. Plus, you won't incur Durability or Energy costs while earning through Background Mode.

Last updated