Fusion System

Sneaker fusion will enhance the base attributes of your beloved footwear.

Fusion Mechanics:

In the Fusion System, you have the opportunity to burn Sneaker B to improve all four base attributes of Sneaker A. The beauty of this system is that Sneaker A and B don't need to be the same quality. As long as Sneaker A's quality is equal to or better than Sneaker B's quality, you can proceed with the fusion. However, Sneaker B cannot have a higher quality than Sneaker A.

When fusing Sneakers, the base attributes of Sneaker B have the chance to enhance the corresponding base attributes of Sneaker A. Let's dive into the details of how the fusion works:

  1. If the base attribute of Sneaker B is higher than that of Sneaker A, the new Sneaker will have a base attribute randomly selected between the base attributes of Sneaker A and Sneaker B. This adds an element of surprise and variability to the fusion outcome.

  2. If the base attribute of Sneaker A is higher than that of Sneaker B, the base attribute number remains the same as that of Sneaker A. The fusion process will not alter the attribute in this case.


To illustrate this, let's consider two scenarios:

  1. Sneaker A: With Efficiency attribute of 16. Sneaker B: With Efficiency attribute of 28

    If you choose to burn Sneaker B to enhance Sneaker A, the resulting Efficiency attribute of Sneaker A could be randomly selected between 16 and 28. For instance, the new Efficiency attribute on Sneaker A could become 17, 20, or even 27.

  2. Sneaker A: With Efficiency attribute of 18. Sneaker B: With Efficiency attribute of 16

    In this case, when you burn Sneaker B to enhance Sneaker A, the Efficiency attribute of Sneaker A will remain unchanged at 18. The fusion process does not alter the attribute because the base attribute of Sneaker A is already higher.

Fusion Outcome:

It's important to note that the fusion process does not affect the quality of Sneaker A. After the fusion, the quality of Sneaker A will remain the same. However, the base attributes have the potential to be improved, bringing forth a more formidable Sneaker to conquer the Grinstep challenges and earn more.

So, dear Sneaker enthusiasts, embrace the Fusion System of Grinstep, where Sneaker fusion defies expectations. Burn Sneakers, witness the fusion of attributes, and unlock the true potential of your beloved NFT sneaker. Let the fusion flames ignite your journey to greatness!

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